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What To Do When Suffering From Haemorrhoids While Pregnant
28 Feb 2022

Haemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins found in or around the anus. This condition can be internal, which usually does not cause any pain. However, in some instances, haemorrhoids can also be external, which may result in bleeding, itchiness, and pain when using the toilet.
Haemorrhoids are considered a common condition in pregnancy. According to statistics, up to 50% of pregnant women can develop haemorrhoids. If you are currently experiencing symptoms of haemorrhoids in your pregnancy, this article is right for you. Here are some of the most important things you should know about this condition and its treatments.
Causes of Haemorrhoids During Pregnancy
Generally, haemorrhoids result when the tone of anal canal cushions that regulate your bowel movements is reduced. They usually develop when there is increased pressure in your lower body due to sitting for long hours, straining during bowel movements, or having persistent constipation or diarrhoea.
During pregnancy, haemorrhoids can be mainly triggered by an increase in the pressure on your rectal veins. This can be caused by the enlargement of your uterus, pressure from your growing fetus, and increased blood flow. All these occurrences contribute to the pressure the veins around your anus experience as your pregnancy progresses.
Moreover, straining on the toilet due to constipation can contribute to or worsen haemorrhoids. Research has shown that as many as 38% of women experience constipation at some point during their pregnancy. When you have chronic constipation, you are more likely to develop haemorrhoids later.
Treatments for Haemorrhoids During Pregnancy
Because constipation triggers the development of haemorrhoids, most treatment options for haemorrhoids focus on preventing or managing constipation. Here are some things you can do to avoid haemorrhoids or reduce the pain or discomfort associated with them:
1. Eat plenty of high-fibre foods
Fibre helps move waste easily through your digestive system. Having a diet rich in fibre can help you ensure you do not need to strain on the toilet. Some high-fibre foods you can add to your diet are fruits like pears and avocadoes, vegetables like broccoli and artichokes, and whole grains like oatmeal and quinoa.
2. Drink lots of fluids
Aside from eating fibre-filled foods, drinking lots of water every day can also help you avoid straining during your bowel movements. Medical professionals suggest that mothers-to-be should consume at least ten glasses of water each day.
3. Take pain relief medicine
If your haemorrhoids are causing you pain or discomfort, you can take paracetamol to help ease the pain or soreness. However, when taking pain relief medicines during pregnancy, it is imperative to follow the directions for their use.
4. Soak in warm water
Soaking in warm water can also help you address the pain or discomfort of haemorrhoids. To do this, you can use a tub to fill with warm water and soak your rectal area. Be sure not to put soap in the water.
5. Apply ice packs or cold compresses
Applying an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area is also effective at relieving painful haemorrhoids and reducing swelling. You can do this several times a day whenever your pain or discomfort becomes intolerable.
6. Try haemorrhoid creams
Some haemorrhoids also cause itchiness. If this is the case for you, you should try using haemorrhoid creams to help lessen the itchiness and pain. Most haemorrhoid creams contain active ingredients like corticosteroids, which effectively reduce itch intensity and inflammation.
Haemorrhoids during pregnancy are relatively normal. In most cases, haemorrhoids go away on their own after childbirth. By following the simple remedies mentioned here, you can quickly treat your haemorrhoids or ease the discomfort you feel because of them.
Seeking professional help is highly recommended to ensure you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Additionally, you can also consult a medical specialist who will advise you on what type of treatment you need and how much a haemorrhoid treatment costs in Singapore. If you think you may be suffering from haemorrhoids, contact us to make an appointment today!
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