Preparing For Your Procedure

For All Endoscopic Procedures
Please bring the following for your procedures:
- Copies of your medical information (X-rays, health records, etc).
- A list of your current medication and dosages.
- Your personal identity card (NRIC) or passport.
- Payment for your deposit and/or your personal account (we accept credit cards or cash). Please note that we unable to accept personal cheques or NETS transactions at our clinic.
- If you are an insured patient – please bring your insurance card/policy.
- If you are a sponsored patient – you will need to arrange for a letter of guarantee (LOG) from your sponsor/insurance provider or third-party provider.
DO NOT bring any valuable items for all endoscopic procedures.
Avoid driving any vehicle as sedation will be given.
Have plenty of rest after the procedure.
Please contact the clinic for any issue after you have been discharged.
Please call gutCARE at the number of your clinic location for change of endoscope appointment.
Proceed to the endoscopy centre or operating theatre on the day of your appointment as brief by our staff.
Gastroscopy (OGD) / Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) / Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP)
Preparation for the Study
- No food from 6 hours before procedure.
- You may take sips of water or clear fluid up to 2 hours before procedure.
- Do not take any diabetes medicine on the morning of the procedure.
- For afternoon procedure, you may take light breakfast and fast 6 hours before the procedure.
Colonoscopy (Using Picoprep Medication)
2 days before the procedure
Please consume a no fiber diet
- No whole grain products (eg. oatmeal, brown rice, wholemeal bread)
- No beans, lentils, nuts, fried egg, tough and coarse meat
- No vegetables, fruits and dairy products (eg. milk, yogurt, cheese)
1 day before procedure
- Light dinner (no fiber diet) can be taken
- 6 pm onwards, or after dinner Mix 1 sachet of Picoprep into 150ml of water, drink together with 5 glasses of water over the next 2 to 4 hours*
- You are recommended to drink fluid during the process of purging
On the day of procedure
- 6 am to 7 am mix 1-2 sachet of Picoprep into 150ml of water, drink together with 3-4 glasses of water over the next 1 hour *
- Do not take any diabetes medicine on the morning of the procedure
- You may take sips of water with other regular medication
- No food from 6 hours before procedure
- You may take sips of water or clear fluid up to 2 hours before the procedure
*timing and dose of bowel prep may be different depending on the timing of your procedure. Please check with our staff.
Colonoscopy (Using Fortrans Medication)
2 days before the procedure
Please consume a no fiber diet
- No whole grain products (eg. oatmeal, brown rice, wholemeal bread)
- No beans, lentils, nuts, fried egg, tough and coarse meat
- No vegetables, fruits and dairy products (eg. milk, yogurt, cheese)
1 day before procedure
- Light dinner (no fibre diet) can be taken
- 6pm onwards, or after dinner
- Mix 2 sachet of Fortrans into 2 litres of water, complete over the next 2 to 4 hours (you can mix Fortrans with flavoured drinks like 100plus, H2O or honey water, but no milk products)
- You are recommended to drink fluid during the process of purging
On the day of procedure
6am to 7am
- Mix 1 sachet of Fortrans into 1 litre of water, complete over the next 1 hour (you can mix Fortrans with flavoured drinks like 100plus, H2O or honey water, but no milk products)
- Do not take any diabetes medicine on the morning of the procedure
- You may take sips of water with other regular medication
- No food from 6 hours before procedure
- You may take sips of water or clear fluid up to 2 hours before the procedure
Hydrogen/Methane Breath Testing
Please take note of the following to ensure that your test result is accurate:
- Antibiotics: You must not take any antibiotics at any time in the four weeks before or during your tests.
- Probiotics and Prebiotics: Ideally probiotics and prebiotics should not be taken two weeks before your tests or during your tests.
- Colonoscopy/Bowel Cleansing: You must not have had a colonoscopy or undergone bowel cleansing at least four weeks prior to testing.
- Other Medications: If tolerated laxatives and pro-motility medications should be stopped at least one week prior to breath testing. Proton pump inhibitors, anti-depressants, the contraceptive pill, and paracetamol can be taken as usual. You should always check with your prescribing doctor before ceasing any medications.
- Smoking: should be avoided on the day of breath testing
- Physical activity: should be limited during breath testing
Fasting: no food for 12 hours prior to your test. You can drink small sips of water during the fasting period
Dietary Information
- To ensure the accuracy of your tests and reduce the level of bacterial activity in your gut, it is essential that you only eat certain foods the day before each procedure.
- Many foods prepared outside the home will contain onion and garlic, it is important to avoid these.
- Avoid any mints or gums containing artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol.
- Please only eat food and drinks as instructed by our staff.
High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry
Preparation for the Study
- No food or drink for 6 hours before the study
- No prokinetic medication the day before and on the day of the study (ask your doctor if you’re not sure)
Reporting Venue
The study is being performed at: gutCARE Digestive.Liver.Endoscopy Associates #07-55 (7th Floor) Medical Center D Mt Alvernia Hospital Singapore 574623
If you need help in finding us, call 6258-0508.
24hr Oesophageal pH Monitoring (Acid Reflux Study)
Preparation for the Study
- No strong acid suppressants (proton pump inhibitors) 10-14 days before the study, unless otherwise advised by your doctor
- No food or drink for 6 hours before the study
- No prokinetic medication the day before and on the day of the study (ask your doctor if you’re not sure)
Study Venue
The study is peformed at: gutCARE Digestive.Liver.Endoscopy Associates #07-55 (7th Floor) Medical Center D Mt Alvernia Hospital Singapore 574623.
If you need help in finding us, call 6258-0508.