Insurance Panels And
Shield Plans
GUTCARE is a trusted partner of all the major insurance panels. We offer comprehensive billing options for patients with both corporate and personal insurance plans.
Patients with integrated shield plans may enjoy special preferential rates for first and subsequent visits. Patients under certain corporate insurance can even enjoy cashless transactions for their visits.
As we work closely with your insurance provider, we understand your financial needs and are able to provide you assistance in navigating insurance claims and applying letter of guarantee (LOG) should you need admission, emergency care or elective procedure.
You may refer to the list below for our panel insurance and integrated shield plans.

Corporate Insurance Plans:
Integrated Shield Plans

General Claim Process
Please bring along all Insurance cards and other relevant insurance related documents on your appointments. Otherwise, we may not be able to process your claim.
Please check your invoice and verify the charges before you leave the clinic. It is not possible to change an invoice after it is finalized.
All inpatient and outpatient bills submitted for insurance claims are non-refundable. An administrative fee of $5 (subject to prevailing GST) will apply for all refunds, and an additional administrative fee of 2.5% will also apply if payment is made through credit card. All refunds are to be made within 3 months of the invoice.
All medication paid for will have to be collected within 6 months. Likewise, paid services or investigations will have to be actualized within 6 months.
Have An Enquiry?
You may also send in an enquiry via our online form if you have questions pertaining to your visit or consultation.