Bloated & Excessive Gas

What is Bloated Excessive Gas?
“Bloated stomach” is a very common problem that affects 10-30% of healthy adults. There are different presentations depending on the different underlying cause.
The symptoms of a bloated stomach may vary from a mild irritating discomfort to a severe significant which can disrupt one’s daily activities. Each individual’s description varies when they explain that they have a “bloated stomach”. Some people feel bloated around the upper abdomen area especially after eating. Sometimes, bloatedness is felt in the region around the umbilicus.
When To See A Doctor
One should visit a clinic and see a doctor for treatment early if a person has alarming bloated stomach symptoms that indicate a serious medical problem. Some of these symptoms are:
- persistent or severe pain
- changes in stool frequency or form
- blood in the stool
- weight loss
There are many causes of bloating, some more serious than others.
First, bloating can be caused by intestinal gas. Intestinal gas is typically formed by the fermentation of undigested food like fiber in the colon. Gases are also formed from certain food components, such as gluten or sugars in fruits and dairy products. Lack of digestion and absorption of these fundamental group may cause a variety of digestive conditions.
Second, bloating may be the result of a structural problem, such as a partial obstruction of the intestine causing serious problems such as cancer of the colon, adhesion bands or foreign objects.
Third, bloating can also be caused by fluid accumulating in the abdomen, and sometimes even an unanticipated pregnancy.
Risk Factors
Risk factors for some of the commoner cause of bloating include:
- Eating fatty or oily foods, which can impair stomach and intestine movement
- Drinking carbonated drinks or eating gassy food
- Eating too quickly, drinking through a straw or sucking on sweets which results in more gas entering the intestines
- Stress or anxiety
If the simple measures suggested above do not help, we suggest a consultation with a bloated stomach doctor or specialist. The physician may need to perform investigations to pinpoint the cause of your bloating and provide bloated stomach treatment. Investigations can include gastroscopy, colonoscopy and/or hydrogen-methane breath test.
Bloated stomach treatment would be directed at the underlying cause, hence the importance of seeing a bloated stomach doctor or specialist and getting an accurate diagnosis.