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6 Amazing Methods To Getting Rid Of Bloatedness Naturally
18 Feb 2022

Everyone has experienced feeling bloated at least once in their life. Bloatedness is the uncomfortable feeling of having trapped gas or increased pressure in your stomach. While it may cause discomfort, bloatedness is very common, occurring in about 16 to 31% of the population.
Fortunately, bloating is generally a short-term problem that goes away on its own. If your bloatedness is just caused by a large meal or a gas-producing food, you can expect your stomach bloat to be gone the next day or two.
However, in some cases, bloatedness can become a persistent problem that causes mild to severe symptoms and adversely affects the quality of life. To help you solve your bloating issue, here are six natural and effective ways to get rid of bloatedness.
1. Drink plenty of water
Hydration is essential when it comes to minimising bloatedness. Sometimes, stomach bloating can result from consuming high-salt foods like bacon, pizza, canned meat, and more. These salty foods are the ones that bring on the bloat, most likely because sodium causes water retention.
The goal of drinking lots of water after every meal is to offset the excess sodium and prompt your body to give up fluids. While it may sound counterintuitive, drinking water can help you lessen your bloat by ridding your body of too much sodium.
2. Increase your fibre intake
Bloatedness is a common cause of another medical condition: constipation. Constipation usually results in bloating because the non-digestible parts of good stay longer in your colon and are thus subject to more bacterial fermentation.
To reduce your stomach bloat caused by constipation, increase your fibre intake to at least 18 to 30 grams per day. Both soluble and insoluble fibre from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts should be incorporated into your diet to improve your symptoms of persistent constipation.
3. Have a low FODMAP diet
Aside from constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also cause your stomach to feel uncomfortably bloated. According to research, about 66% to 90% of people with IBS are likely to experience bloatedness as a symptom. In that case, limiting specific carbs called FODMAPs is highly advised.
FODMAPs are types of carbs that are usually poorly digested and fermented by your colon’s bacteria. Moreover, they can also cause more water retention in your bowels. By having a diet that is low in FODMAPs, you can minimise your bloatedness and other symptoms of IBS. Examples of foods high in FODMAPs are onion, garlic, milk, and soft cheese.
4. Do light exercise every day
Exercising generally can reduce bloatedness since it helps eliminate gas from your bowels. Mainly, light exercises have been found to minimise the feelings of fullness and bloating that occurs after a heavy meal. To improve your feeling of bloatedness, try to walk for at least 10 to 15 minutes after eating.
5. Pour yourself some tea
Some medical experts claim that certain teas like peppermint, ginger, and fennel effectively relieve bloating and gas. This is because these teas have different properties that can relax your digestive tract. They can calm the muscles responsible for passing painful digestion gas and ultimately help with your bloatedness.
6. Try probiotic supplements
Probiotics are live bacteria that can give you various health benefits when you consume them. Notably, several studies suggest that these probiotics can help relieve digestive symptoms like bloatedness by increasing the number and types of bacteria in your gut. In turn, this can minimise inflammation and tension and gases in your stomach.
Ultimately, to reduce or eliminate bloatedness, it is vital to identify the cause of your bloated stomach symptoms. Many people believe that bloating is always just a result of eating too many beans or drinking too much soda and coffee. However, there is more than one possible cause of bloatedness.
Food intolerance, heartburn, weight gain, hormonal influx, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, stress, anxiety, and depression – these are all medical conditions that can cause you to experience bloatedness. To make sure your stomach bloat is nothing serious, it is better to seek the advice of a medical specialist, especially if your condition has become persistent. Contact us for treatment of your bloatedness today!
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