6 Tips On Reducing Or Preventing Gastric Pain Symptoms
27 Nov 2018

Irregular mealtimes and excessive stress can lead to a host of problems for your digestive system. Cases of gastric pain in Singapore is not uncommon as many adults may have experienced it at some point in their lives. It can be described as a kind of soreness on top of the stomach region and may occur while eating or after eating. It may range from mild discomfort to severe pain with a burning sensation. Gastric pain symptoms can be accompanied by other related digestive issues like diarrhoea, heartburn, constipation and bloating.
While gastric pain can be treated with antacids, there are also simple ways to manage the pain when it comes to your lifestyle choices and diet with these tips below.
- Eat on regular intervals and avoid skipping meals
When you eat meals on time, stomach will be accustomed to release its gastric juices only during mealtimes instead of erratically. If you skip meals, the gastric juices will also irritate and cause upset to your stomach.
- Eat smaller but more frequent meals
Rather than three large meals a day, having five or six smaller meals can help with easier digestion and avoid indigestion or other digestive problems.
- Moderate your alcohol consumption
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol over a period of time can weaken your stomach’s protective lining. Repeated exposure to alcohol can lead to digestive issues such as inflammation of the stomach lining and make you more susceptible to frequent gastric pain and ulcers.
- Avoid over-eating and eat slowly
When you chew well and sip a glass of water between mouthfuls, your body is given time to relay satiety signals from your gut to brain and help you better gauge your hunger. Overeating can also easily cause indigestion as sudden consumption of excessive food can lead to pressure build-up of the abdominal wall.
- Choose soft, easy-to-digest foods that can soothe your gastric pain
Recommended foods such as broccoli sprouts, yogurt, apple sauce, high-fibre grains and proteins like lean meats, eggs, fish, and poultry can balance out the acidity and provide a cooling effect in the stomach. These foods can also aid in digestion and avoid aggravating further gastric pain symptoms. Generally, the pain should subside within a day or two after starting this diet.
- Avoid foods that give rise to gas production and irritation in the stomach
Food and beverages to avoid include spicy foods, onions, garlic, high-fat dairy products, tomato and tomato products, citrus fruits, and fried food. They can cause irritation in the stomach and hinders it from healing well from gastric pain symptoms.
When to visit a doctor for gastric pain
Consult a doctor for gastric pain if your symptoms persist even after changes to your diet. You should also see a doctor immediately for gastric pain treatment if you experience the following symptoms such as persistence vomiting after eating, blood in vomit or stools, unexplained weight loss and severe upper tummy pain. They may indicate a serious underlying health problem.
If you need a specialist for gastric pain, our team of doctors at GUTCARE clinic in Singapore has a specific sub-specialist interest with years of further training to provide state-of-the-art care for your digestive and liver needs. As the leading gastroenterology group practice in Singapore, our clinic has a comprehensive range of niche diagnostic and therapeutic services. Our doctors will discuss regarding your symptoms and treatment for gastric pain and conduct tests to further investigate or eliminate causes of the gastric pain.
Book your appointment at GUTCARE clinic today.
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